Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

So often people put sad and in your face things about how we should remember our troops, present and previous.  I think we can all agree this is needed.

For me, much like I feel in a lot of facets of my life, this isn't a one day thing.  This is an attitude.  Whether we agree or disagree with how things are done, we need to be thankful for what freedoms we have been allowed because the sacrifices of others.  This isn't just today.  This is an everyday action.  It is like your "doctor" always says if you want to get off and keep off the weight it is a "lifestyle change".  Well, "supporting our troops" or showing thanks is an attitude change.

But I like today because it is day were we get to be free (having fun with friends and all that).  Free and thankful.

Thank you to all those who have come, are and will come.  Thank you for your sacrifice, for your bravery.

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