Wednesday, October 19, 2011

When you were young...

When I was young I was the kid in the cardboard box that was playing space station one minute and then Robin Crusoe the next.  So long as I was allowed to use my imagination I was going to have fun.  Playing with little kids was always easy for me then, it isn't hard to convince a 3 year old a cardboard box is really a race car... since then my imagination has dwindled and it has become increasingly harder for me to play with little kids, it is one of the seriously sad things about growing up: loss of childhood imagination.

It was for that reason that I found this all the more impressive:

I don't know many 17 year olds guys that are content spending over an hour playing with kids under the age of 5, when not paid.  It made me in awe to watch my nephew playing with his very young nephews and actually have fun, and doing it without being asked.  

Click It Up A Notch  

NapTime MomTogand then, she {snapped}Friend Finding Fridays

Wordish WednesdaybabybabylemonPaper Heart Photo

Angry Julie Mondayparenting BY dummies

Grab the FSF buttonLive and Love...Out Loud


  1. What a great kid! I was lucky enough to have a teenage boy like that helping me out one year when I did Cub Scout Camp, and I made a point of hunting down both his parents to tell them how special and wonderful their son was. Those are the sorts of boys who will make fantastic fathers one day!

  2. Sounds like a great guy! Fun shots of them all playing.

  3. What an awesome nephew you have! Love all the shots! :)

    Finally Decked Out For Fall

  4. Great shots and it is wonderful that he played so sweetly! It must have been a real blast for the others!

  5. That's awesome. Great pics! My sons miss their cousin (my nephew) Andrew, he turned 16 this year and the kids don't get to see him that much. They used to play like that together too.....Happy WW!

  6. Great shots.. So lovely - looks like a fun time : ))
