Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Multiple choice of doom

I'm great in school... not that the last 3 years would show that.  I like it.  When I graduated I missed writing papers and going to classes. I felt kind of lost.  I mean for my whole existence (I was home schooled so school didn't really start or stop for that matter) that's all I had known: being in school.  I mean I worked and I did other things but I was in school.  Years after graduation I still have pangs of phantom acquisition.  Alas it has been cut off... for now at least.

With all my love of edcuation there is one thing I sing in loud rejoice that I face no more: tests.  Being home schooled we didn't have lots of tests... at least not in "test" formats.  My mom would rig a game of jeopardy or whatever and gear the questions for the different age children.  This is a test I can get behind, no stress there... not being allowed to leave my desk, no clarification on wording... DEATH.  At least for me.

My husband on the other hand, being taught in public schools where testing, especially in the traditional sense, is MUCH more common, is amazing at tests.  He is as chill as a pill, no idea where that saying comes from... and it doesn't make much sense but anyway.  No issues, no stress, no need to clarification, he just rocks it.  I have been jealous of this for years!

All this has been brought to light because my sister tutors a young man who happens to have high functioning Autism and the is about to take a placement test.  Tomorrow I have the privilege and the challenge to try and help him study.  He reacts to test the same way I do but much different at the same time.

For those of us that do not test well I don't really agree with test placements being the only way to gauge learning... just saying.

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